Friday 8 February 2013

Help - Abseil booked!

The biggest challenge with the trip is to raise the sponsorship money.  As a big push I am going to do an abseil on 7th April - it is all booked.  Based near Wells, it is down a 25 metre cliff - help!  This is a big deal for me given that a couple of years ago I had to get rescued from the go ape climbing centre in Milton Keynes!

Abseiling at Splitrock

Obviously I will be asking for sponsorship but I am also hoping to raise money by asking people to join in with me.  The company doing the abseil caps the cost for charities so if more people join in then the balance can go to the charity.  A few brave souls have 'volunteered' but I have offered it up to people at work plus issued two press releases!

Monday 4 February 2013

Aching legs

Been out for my second jog and my legs are aching!  Not getting any faster or longer but I am learning how to jog on the spot whilst Bailey pees on every lamp post...

Started to sort through all the accumulated junk that has piled up in the spare room to see what we can take a car boot sale or put onto ebay.  Overwhelming how much fundraising needs to happen in such a short space of time!

Saturday 2 February 2013

What a difference sunshine makes!

The sun was shining, the birds singing and hardly anyone about (the plumber decided 8.30am on a Saturday morning was a good time to replace the dishwasher so I left Rob to it and took Bailey for his walk).

Decided to walk to the Kennet and Avon Canal past the old athletics track at Bowerhill.  Fields were boggy but at least I didn't get stuck like last weekend!  Still need wellies near any choke points:

There was a very unhappy cow in the barn of the farmyard that the footpath took me through but the canal was lovely and quiet - and only a few puddles.  Beautiful with the winter sun still low in the sky.

I didn't mind throwing all the balls into the canal for Bailey but did quite a little fed up of having to drag a soaking wet dog out of the canal when he struggled to get out when a little tired!

We were out for 2 and a half hours so not bad as the second weekend of training.  Only problem is that canals are very flat whereas China looks very hilly!  Got to start walking up hills and get fitter.  I think it was about 5 or 6 miles so not particularly quick either!  Mind you, stopping to throw balls must have considerably added to the time.  Was certainly a good way to keep the dog quiet for the rest of day!


Jogging - me?

Part of the physical challenge is to get fit generally and to lose weight.  My goal is to lose 4 stone by the trek and I am well on my way.  I joined Slimming World a couple of weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds so far.

Jogging is one of the best ways to get fit quickly so I have decided to give it a go!  My first session below:

Yes, I know I am wrapped up like a yeti but it was January!  Really need to try harder - was only out for 20 minutes and could only manage jogging for 2 minutes at a time but it is a start!  Need to work out how to jog on the spot so Bailey (aka 'Sir Pees a lot') can cock his leg every 30 seconds without me dragging him on mid-pee!

A dubious start to training...

You would think that with a bouncy 3 year old Labrador that I would already be reasonably fit - um, no!  The recent mud has discouraged me from venturing further afield recently so my exercise has consisted of pottering round the rugby field whilst throwing balls for Bailey to chase!

Last weekend I thought I should put more effort in given that I shall have to trek for up to 8 hours a day in the not too distant future.  I therefore intending follow the River Avon across the fields which is a walk I was doing regularly in the summer and only took an hour or so - a reasonable beginning?

Unfortunately, the mud was worse than I thought across the top field.  Discretion being the better part of valour I decided to go round the edge of the field rather than following the public footpath across the middle.

However, there was a large calf-deep puddle at one end of the field which I needed to go around.  10 paces into the field and that was it - irretrievably stuck!  I had sank in the mud to over my ankles.  I could just about lift one welly from the mud but that meant puttingall  my weight onto the other foot which sank further and further into the mud.  After about 10 minutes of laughing hysterically whilst pulling on my wellies, I realised there was nothing else for it.  I carefully lifted each foot out of its welly, removed the sock and rolled up my trousers then stepped into the mud.  I only just about managed to heave each welly out of the mud then squelched my way barefoot across the rest of the field!

Let's hope future walks let me come home cleaner than the dog!

I've booked it!

After a few days of consideration, I have booked myself onto the 'Great Wall of Discovery' trek with Charity Challenge and paid the first part of the deposit. 

Just dawning on me how much work I will have to put it to both raise the sponsorship and get fit in just over 7 months!  Luckily, I have great friends and family who I am sure will help me.